Koelreuteria paniculata

(Golden Rain Tree)

By December 8, 2023
Koelreuteria paniculata, Golden Rain Tree, with clusters of yellow flowers

About Koelreuteria paniculata (Golden Rain Tree)

This sprawling shade tree is called Koelreuteria paniculata. Commonly known as Golden Rain Tree, this variety likely gets its name from its showy yellow flowers which bloom in clusters, reaching out above its foliage. With a typical blooming period  lasting throughout the summer season, small yellow-brown capsuled fruit arrive in the fall. A deciduous tree, this variety grows green foliage pinnately in shape with brown, fissured bark. Reaching an average mature landscape size of 35-40′ tall by 25-40′ wide, it grows at a moderate rate in an asymmetrical form.

Care and planting instructions

Plant Golden Rain Tree in an area that receives full sun exposure using well draining soil. Water regularly after planting to help ensure it establishes quickly, then reduce frequency. This variety tolerates moderate sea spray and has been known to deter deer. If desired, prune back for size or shape at the end of the winter season.

Landscape design ideas

Koelreuteria paniculata is an excellent choice for local parks when used as a shade tree. For residential landscape projects it can be planted as an ornamental specimen or to add interest to paved or bare corner.

Botanical Name: Koelreuteria paniculata

Common Name: Golden Rain Tree

Average Landscape Size: 35-40' x 25-40'

Plant Type: Evergreen

Bloom Color: Yellow

Berry Color: Yellow-brown

Foliage Color: Green

Forms: Tree

Sizes: 15 gallon & 24" box tree

Special Features: Attracts Birds, Ornamental Plant, Shade Tolerant, Showy Spring Flowers,