About Pyracantha koidzumii ‘Santa Cruz’
Pyracantha koidzumii ‘Santa Cruz’ is a drought tolerant shrub best known for its bright red berries. Its average landscape size reaches 3-6′ x 5-8′ with spreading branches topped with long narrow green leaves and sharp thorns. Clusters of pea-sized berries emerge starting in early summer and remain throughout the year lasting into the winter months. As spring approaches, groups of little white flowers bloom giving off a slight fragrance. This plant goes by many names including its common name, Santa Cruz Firethorn, and its industry name, Santa Cruz Pyracantha.
Care Instructions
Plant Santa Cruz Pyracantha in well-draining soil and water regularly until a healthy root system has been established. Once established, reduce frequency as this variety can tolerate drought conditions. Plant this variety in an area that has full sun exposure and prune to control size and shape as needed.
Where to plant
Pyracantha koidzumii ‘Santa Cruz’ looks great mass planted or even by itself as an accent. It’s fast growing characteristic makes it a great option to frame a driveway, building or property line as a low hedge. This plant also can also be planted against a fence to grow as an espalier.
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