About Agave americana (Century Plant)
This large growing succulent is called Agave americana. Commonly known as Century Plant, it reaches an average mature landscape size of 5-6′ tall by 6-8′ wide and grows in an upright form. Its long green leaves with serrated edges grow in a rosette form with yellow blooms that emerge only after several years of life and invite local wildlife such as hummingbirds. Despite being called the Century Plant, Agaves only live as long as a few decades.
Care And Planting Instructions
Plant this Agave in an area that receives full sunlight exposure and plant using a well-draining soil. Be sure to allow plenty of room for its eventual growth. Water after planting to help it establish well to its new location then reduce frequency to rarely. Winter hardy to temperatures as low as 15 degrees Fahrenheit.
Landscape Design Ideas
This Agave variety is well suited to hillsides, or planted among other smaller succulents.