Mahonia Nervosa

(Longleaf Mahonia )

By February 24, 2020
Mahonia Nervosa Longleaf Mahonia

About Mahonia Nervosa (Longleaf Mahonia)

This low growing evergreen plant is called the Mahonia Nervosa or Longleaf Mahonia. As a moderate grower, this variety reaches an average landscape size of 2 feet tall with spreading branches and can be considered both a groundcover and a shrub. Its long reddish stems feature serrated leaves in a mix of deep green and deep purple colors. Each spring large clusters of yellow flowers emerge followed by pea-sized blue berries. While the berries are edible they are considered more ornamental due to their off-putting sharp flavor and seedy characteristics.

Care Instructions

The Mahonia Nervosa can be planted in a variety of soils including clay and alkaline soils. It can be planted in areas with full shade to full sun exposure but grows best in full shade. If planting more than one in the same area be sure to leave at least 1 foot between plantings to allow for growth above and underground. This plant is a great choice for those who desire a low maintenance plant as this variety tolerates neglect and requires minimal pruning.  Be sure to water when the top soil becomes dry.

Where to plant

The Mahonia Nervosa looks nice mass planted on a hillside or a large area. It is a great option for fire-wise landscape designs and offers year-round interest. This plant is also a great substitute for the Mahonia aquifolium Compacta.

Find more plants and tips here.

Botanical Name: Mahonia Nervosa

Common Name: Longleaf Mahonia

Average Landscape Size: 2 ' Tall

Plant Type: Evergreen

Bloom Color: Yellow

Berry Color: Blue

Foliage Color: Green/Purple

Forms: Bush, Groundcover

Sizes: 1 Gallon

Special Features: Attracts Butterflies, Attracts Birds, Dramatic Color, Low Maintenance, Shade Tolerant, Showy Spring Flowers, Year-round Interest, Easy Pruning,