Baccharis ‘Twin Peaks’

(Dwarf coyote brush)

By February 22, 2023
Overhead view of the densly packed foliage of a Baccharis 'Twin Peaks', Dwarf Coyote Brush, plant

About Baccharis ‘Twin Peaks’ (Dwarf Coyote Brush)

This dense evergreen is called Baccharis ‘Twin Peaks’. As a California native plant, this plant is known for its durability and toughness to California temperatures and wind exposure. It is one of the densest groundcovers that grows quickly reaching an average mature landscape size of  8′ wide by 2-3′ tall.  Its leaves emerge as bright green and with age change to a grey-green. In the summer, fragrant yellow flowers bloom lasting into the fall season. This plant is hardy to temperatures as low as 15 degrees Fahrenheit and is drought tolerant once established.

Care and planting instructions

Plant Baccharis ‘Twin Peaks’ in an area that receives full sun if planted near the coast and with sun to partial shade if planted inland where temperatures reach hotter temperatures. Water regularly after planting to help encourage its roots to establish, then reduce frequency to once every 10-14 days, except during periods of extreme heat. Prune in the spring to cut back unsightly branches and to encourage new growth.

Landscape design ideas

Plant Dwarf Coyote Brush on hillsides of residential landscapes or along high traffic pathways. As both a drought tolerant and low maintenance plant, this groundcover is an excellent addition to landscape designs seeking to reduce water using and reduce maintenance costs.

Botanical Name: Baccharis 'Twin Peaks'

Common Name: Dwarf coyote brush

Average Landscape Size: 8' x 2-3'

Plant Type: Evergreen

Bloom Color: Yellow

Foliage Color: Yellow

Forms: Groundcover

Sizes: 1 gallon

Special Features: Low Maintenance, Showy Spring Flowers, Year-round Interest, Easy Pruning, Tolerates Light Frost,